Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Creative Convos - Robot Foods


  • Workshop with clients 
  • Values - personality treats important for brands
  • Its in the small touchs
  • Focus USP + TOV 
  • Design for audience v important
  • Big colours

My thoughts 

This was a really nice talk the studio they worked for really contrasted the previous two talks which allowed me to gain a better perspective of the creative industry which has been extremely useful this week. There work seems super fun but It did make me think that for me personally, this type of work could tire very quickly as it is very similar. Which made me want to focus on my own personal interests even more now. 

Creative Convos - Rose Nordin - OOMK


Working in a collective 

Artist residency at sommer set house

British Council supports projects 

My thoughts 

This was a really interesting day, with us all creating and doing something practical was a really nice element and defo got me thinking I want to play around more with my own practice finding what I enjoy creating. I am not particularly interested in going down this road of artist residences etc but its something I was pleased to learn about. The day also made me realize how easy and fast you can put together a magazine. 

Creative Convos - Dines - Studio Blup


Movement is a vital component in todays market to stand out

He worked around the cultures close to him I really like this. 

Put work out to as many people I am interested in as possible. More outdoor companies maybe? 

Smoke a mirror perception is a great way to find work don't use Gmail etc. 

keep learning new software

Society six for selling work 

My thoughts 

Dines talk was very inspiring I felt his charisma filled the room, and let me see how a studio can be built from a bedroom. It helped me identify with elements of his practice which I would or wouldn't be interested in my own practice. It made me think I am not at this moment in time looking to attempt to start my own studio, It seems like a lot of pressure and wouldn't leave me much room to learn from others. Although it did get me thinking about my own practice much more and that I should be putting out my own personal work to help me find work that is tailed more to my own tastes. 

I really liked the Dines den that was a lot of fun and helpful to get up a practice talking to professionals is a great way to build some confidence.