Thursday, 23 February 2017

Coffee Shop North - Lecture - thoughts

My thoughts on todays lecture.


  • Firstly I am enjoying having regular lectures, I find them super motivating. 
  • Good point of looking for passion and what Im aspiring for within my projects. 
  • It sparked an idea for my disotation of looking into globally democratised design and how the internet affects this for example kickstarter. 
  • Now Watch idea 
  • What is a photo essay? 
  • I should research into typefaces more often for my poster project I will really put an emphasis on type. 
  • He said social media was not the be all and end all of his profession I think that there is alot of pressure around having the perfect instagram, twitter etc. It was nice to hear there is more to it. 
  • I will base my interview around this idea of social medias role in design

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Studio Culture - Research - Interviews

For my interviews I would like a underlying theme, I feel if i am going to do interviews it is much more worth my time and the professionals if my reason for the interview is well thought out and sincere. I currently have ideas of looking into designers and there anxiety's however this is still very vague. I have began reading studio cultures by tony brook & adrian Shaughnessy for research purposes.


Adrian Shaughnessy

'We live and work at a time when the individual is at the centre of everything. Individualism is the new religion. It can be seen in the toxic cult of celebrity and in the way traditions of community, civic responsibility and social cohesion have been eroded in favour of an egotistical culture of me-me-me.'


  • not all interviews are face to face in this publication. 
  • Keep in mind they work in a studio not freelance. 
  • Brene Brown's TED talk on vulnerability
  • How do I do this without being morbid 


  • The things we arnt told 
  • Look into stress more 

  1. What are your thoughts on mental hygiene, how do you manage your own? 
  2. Do you find stress useful or un-useful?
  3. What do you think the worrys of a designer are? what are your worrys?
  4. How has social media impacted your practice?
  5. Do you ever design for social media?
  6. Do you think there is a type of design for social media? 
  7. Do you think social media is good, bad or both? 
  8. What effects do you think it can have on self esteem? 
  9. How often does your studio post work?  
  10. How often do you get clients through websites such as behance? 
  11. How important is the role of behance in a studio
  12. What is or was your grestest fear and how have you over come it?

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Learning a Skill / Pottery

While I am at Leeds collage of art I think it is important to take advantage of all the quipment possible. This is why I decided to do pottery once a week to help me learn a new skill, I think learning new skills is key to keeping my work processes fresh and original. Here is my first attempt.

Read this if you want to take great photographys - Reading

This publication really helped me understand the way photographs are taken this was super helpful for my practice because It helps me recognise what makes a photograph worth using. As well as when i have to take my own photos for some projects. The photograph is something I really enjoy in my spare time also so its great to learn a little more about it. Main things I took from it was about contrast and creating lines for the eye to follow within images.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Footprint lecture


Started by environment activists, They stick to this ethos and recycle and reuse with inks etc aswell as planting seeds. Run democratically, this helps to create good work moral and they are doing it because they want to. 10% discount to our coops and generally cheap. The company seems to do lots for community and society as a whole, this could be an interesting topic to investigate for my cop outcome. will not print for any political party.

Works with

  • Artists 
  • Activists 
  • Self-publishers
  • Zine fair
  • Zinesters

Zine in a day, put a page in each then flog them at the end of the day. 

Social media 
Without social media it would be alot quieter, use it to set up zine fairs. Twitter is good for collecting debts and they have a myspace.

In basement of housing coop

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Lecture - John

"Great things in business are never done by one person, theyre made by a team of people."

what you want to achieve
Why I have chosen them

Introducing questions

Follow up questions

What did you mean?

Probing questions

Do you have an exmaple?

  1. Start slow, safe and personal (where did you grow up) (How did you find uni) (where did you study) 

Whats the best advice you ever recieved 
who inspired you and why 
whats the hardest lesson you ever learned 
describe a defining moment in your life
what is your biggest accomplishment
do you have a perosnal motto.

Think extra 

Briefing - Collaboration


For the collab to succeed everyone needs to feel they are a part of the collaboration.

First thing to do is define the project - Why, What, How 

Push what would be possible for just a designer to achieve 

Which part of the project do you own? 

Key Elements - Sharing, Suppport, Problem-solving

Motivations - To learn how to work with others, to enhance my design skills,  


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

YCN & Thirsty Planet

YCN Lecture talk 

Company is based in Shoreditch 
Linking designers to clients 
Good stepping stone into industry 
Work outside the brief, go the extra mile

Key Dates

20 march 


Harrogate water

Why thirsty planet is important? 
Harrogate water brand 
Heritage brand 
First British spa town
Designed to complement the environment

Hugely efficient 
100% recyclable 

Thirsty Planet

Raided 2m 
Helped build 8000 pumps
working with pump aid 
Premium look goes against the ethos
having people buy the product instead of the leading companys
People like to know they are doing good
What is the company doing good?
Lots of Illustration used



Studio Brief 1 - Essay

Goal - To learn about this era of design and its influences on today's culture. I want to understand more about Dada, avande garde, postmodernism, modernism, punk, anarchy, sitionaism 

My essay is about punk cultures legacy, Looking into the artists, fanzines, record artwork, artist identity.

Studio Brief 2 - Physical piece to go alongside Essay

Goal - Learn more about DIY Processes while creating something.   


Studio Brief 1 - PPP blogs & presentation 

Studio Brief 2 - Interview 

To interview professionals on there 

Studio Brief 3 - Responsive 

Define what is your motivation for undertaking your collaboration

To enhance my group skills

What methods of communication will you use and how often will you meet 

A group chat

What skillsets does each of your collaboration team boring  


Studio Brief 1

Theoretical research 

Contextual research 

practical research 

Studio Brief 2 

Studio 12 & Buttercrumble Lecture

Lecture Notes

Engage with young people
Push time to want to get to where you are


- British art show
- Writing Britain, short films
- BBC 1 extra live
- Breeze of Festival
- Leedzine fair

Live Briefs

Zine Fair
Exhibition henry Morr


Social enterprise only working with companies who are out to do good
Leeds indie food fest
Shout about garrarth
They get half there projects through social media.

I found the talk from studio 12 very interesting and a nice change of pace to see a talk from an organisation with the sole aim of doing good, It was very inspiring for my 505 Module and got me thinking about ways I could transfer this to studio brief 2.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Project 1 - Oslo

Project 1

First our first brief in westerdals we had to re create an app for the train company nsb. In this project I learn how to used new software called sketch. The vector based program was great as it not only showed me an easy way to create prototypes for applications but also is a brilliant example of great user experience. When you begin to compare it to adobes programs you can see how much more simplified it is, Its created in a way that anybody can sit down a start designing a application due to the simplicity of the layout, by using the minimal amount of tools. So this gave me a quick insight into user experience design. I also spent a large amount of time reading and researching into user experience something which is was very new to me. I learnt about how user experience can be used to keep customers coming back continuously.

Project 2 - Oslo

Project 2 

Although I did learn alot from my experience in oslo there where times where I really felt I was missing out to. As we was learning with the third years there was no lecture or seminars and for our second two months we was giving complete freedom to do what we want. I learned a lot from this but at the same time struggled with this enormously. I have never had projects which lasted two months so to try and create a project that would last two months I found difficult.

Friends and professionals - Oslo


In Oslo I met lots of extremely talented people who I think were very influential and inspiring. All seemed to have there own way of working and was happy to share advice. Frederik was great he helped me a huge amount on both projects, listening to him explain his projects you could really see how passionate about his work he was, I found this to be inspiring and motivated me to really find my own passion within design. I really took on board how important the process is as well from him and also yann who was my tutor put big emphasis on this.

Architecture Influences - Oslo


The building in oslo were beautiful something which really stood out was the amount of colour used for the buildings and still they all looked super different but part of whole at the same time, without coming across tacky. This translates over to my own process because I think it inspired me to experiement with colour more and kind of reconised how great colour really adds a layer of depth to design, if done correctly.

Cultural Influences - Oslo


More recently I have been more intrested in issues surroudning climate change, while in norway I decided to research into agriculture, and take a look at how much food we are wasting. This became my problem to solve for a large part of my second brief, I wanted to create something to help prevent this unfortunatly mid way through I began to get abit of imposter syndrome and self doubt which lead me to change my idea to a more safer opion as i was worryied I would not come up with something. This was a very bad idea however I learnt a huge lesson from this and that is to stick with my gut when I decide on a direction to go in. As a complete shift in direction has a big impact on how I work after this with a constant change in mind. I think it is better to stick it out and if it isnt perfect at least I will learn from this.

SOD - Oslo

SOD - Social Oriented Design is a collective set up by Yann charles who was my tutor while in oslo. They use design to address social issues with a punk ethos of DIY and exhibit there work in
I had the oppotuniety to be involeved  I attended a few meetings whilst over in Oslo and plan to continue my participation throughout summer and more. It inspired me to think more about what I am creating and why. The next exhibition being held in on the topic of stigmas.

"Our goal is to investigate the possibility of solving socially related problems through graphic design. We also aim to enquire as to whether behaviour and social activities might be connected to visual surroundings, and how this might be positively challenged to influence interaction.
The group aims to develop an international network accessible to our students; to help them understand the values of sharing, experimenting and researching, to expand their creative boundaries and to trigger their curiosity."
To make a long story short.Our goal is to find effective and cost free solutions to solve social related problems (these problems can be big or small).

Studio Brief 2

Building on your continued familiarisation with the creative industries and prompted by the need for even more engagement with professional contacts, you are required to seek out an industry practitioner or practice who you will base a report on.
The completed report should utilise your skills as both a creative and a researcher and make use of material drawn from at least one personal interview with an appropriate spokesperson to then culminate in an insightful overview of a contemporary industry figure or organisation. Your interview can be carried out in person or via phone, Skype or email. Supporting sessions will offer guidance regarding the approaching and interviewing of subjects
You should aim to subsequently develop a report that is engaging in terms of both its style and content. The completed report should be submitted as a digital Issuu publication posted to your PPP blog and needs to communicate your interview subject's route into industry and identify where their creative practice is currently situated.
IMPORTANT: You will be responsible for any online content uploaded and/or distributed as part of this module. Can you please ensure that all material is original, belongs to you and complies with the guidelines for online activity outlined as part of your general Mac suite induction. If you are unsure about any content that you intend to upload please discuss this with your tutor

Interview Topics 
Graphic designer processes? 
Where graphic designers stand on ethical issues? 
Questions about how they started up? 

What are your main sources for industry news? 
How would you describe your process in 3 words?
What inspiration do you have on while working, eg music, tv? 
Do you think designers process should be a personal thing? 
How would you describe your thought process through a project? 
Do you plan and organize or wing it? 
Are you an introvert or extrovert? 
What advice would you give to emerging professionals? 
What qualities and skills should a good graphic designer have?
Describe your creative process. What are the major steps?