Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Studio Culture - Research - Interviews

For my interviews I would like a underlying theme, I feel if i am going to do interviews it is much more worth my time and the professionals if my reason for the interview is well thought out and sincere. I currently have ideas of looking into designers and there anxiety's however this is still very vague. I have began reading studio cultures by tony brook & adrian Shaughnessy for research purposes.


Adrian Shaughnessy

'We live and work at a time when the individual is at the centre of everything. Individualism is the new religion. It can be seen in the toxic cult of celebrity and in the way traditions of community, civic responsibility and social cohesion have been eroded in favour of an egotistical culture of me-me-me.'


  • not all interviews are face to face in this publication. 
  • Keep in mind they work in a studio not freelance. 
  • Brene Brown's TED talk on vulnerability
  • How do I do this without being morbid 


  • The things we arnt told 
  • Look into stress more 

  1. What are your thoughts on mental hygiene, how do you manage your own? 
  2. Do you find stress useful or un-useful?
  3. What do you think the worrys of a designer are? what are your worrys?
  4. How has social media impacted your practice?
  5. Do you ever design for social media?
  6. Do you think there is a type of design for social media? 
  7. Do you think social media is good, bad or both? 
  8. What effects do you think it can have on self esteem? 
  9. How often does your studio post work?  
  10. How often do you get clients through websites such as behance? 
  11. How important is the role of behance in a studio
  12. What is or was your grestest fear and how have you over come it?

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