Friday, 3 February 2017

Studio Brief 2

Building on your continued familiarisation with the creative industries and prompted by the need for even more engagement with professional contacts, you are required to seek out an industry practitioner or practice who you will base a report on.
The completed report should utilise your skills as both a creative and a researcher and make use of material drawn from at least one personal interview with an appropriate spokesperson to then culminate in an insightful overview of a contemporary industry figure or organisation. Your interview can be carried out in person or via phone, Skype or email. Supporting sessions will offer guidance regarding the approaching and interviewing of subjects
You should aim to subsequently develop a report that is engaging in terms of both its style and content. The completed report should be submitted as a digital Issuu publication posted to your PPP blog and needs to communicate your interview subject's route into industry and identify where their creative practice is currently situated.
IMPORTANT: You will be responsible for any online content uploaded and/or distributed as part of this module. Can you please ensure that all material is original, belongs to you and complies with the guidelines for online activity outlined as part of your general Mac suite induction. If you are unsure about any content that you intend to upload please discuss this with your tutor

Interview Topics 
Graphic designer processes? 
Where graphic designers stand on ethical issues? 
Questions about how they started up? 

What are your main sources for industry news? 
How would you describe your process in 3 words?
What inspiration do you have on while working, eg music, tv? 
Do you think designers process should be a personal thing? 
How would you describe your thought process through a project? 
Do you plan and organize or wing it? 
Are you an introvert or extrovert? 
What advice would you give to emerging professionals? 
What qualities and skills should a good graphic designer have?
Describe your creative process. What are the major steps?

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