Monday, 20 March 2017


1. To begin I will talk about 
  • Being thrown into the deep end, out of my comfort zone, but this helped me to learn and grow. 
  • Wouldnt change anything. 

2. People I met 

  • How people I met have had a huge impact on me, Because everyone has a diffrent process and diffrent approach to life in genral. 
  • Yann being an anarcist/punk has influenced my cop question and research. 
  • Fredrik and listening to him talk about his work made me realise how important it is to build a proper concept and really research. aswell as doing projects im intrested in. 
  • Audrey, french exchange student who was just super chilled learnt from her that its good to play up to your strength e.g im not a illsutrator so find someone to illustrate rather than doing myself. 
  • Also many others who just taught me great ways to look at life. 

3. Nature, relaxing 

  • I learnt it is really important to have breaks away. time to reflect this is now a very important part of my process. It may not always be hiking may just be going for as cycle or chatting with friends. 

4. Overall sum up 
  • Overall I think i learn that it is great to share ideas, experiences, work etc etc. 
  • Its important to get out your comfort zone 
  • Its important to meet new people 
  • Its important to experience a diffrent culture and be open to new views and ideologies It very easy to see the world through the sound prism that is england. making me ignorant to the out side world. There is lots we could learn from scandivan countrys but there is also lots they could still learn. 
  • a con was the lack of community in the studio this has made me appricate it much more back in leeds. 

5. Exhibition and talks 

  • We did lots of exhibitions, museums and talks all contributing to a change in my thinking. 
  • However this was probably one of the more important ones. 
  • It was alot of fun, met alot of people through friends who were doing placements. 

6. Verification im in the right area. 
  • Eike Konig done a very cool talk, really cool dude, basically listening to him and doing this event i just knew that I am defiantly in the right profession. 
  • It also verified for me that i defiantly want to work in a studio over free lance. 
  • Bakken Baeck Are a big firm which work on everything from product design, prototyping and branding to development and advanced machine learning.

7. SOD 

  • A collective me and elliot joined run by our tutor yann and sunniva. 
  • They create exhibitions which focus on social issues. 
  • It made me much more aware of designing for a purpose and important issues

8. Meetings, working together, orgsanisation
  • attending monthly meeting about what is to happen
  • I felt very out my depth here however I really enjoyed it, the whole thing made you feel part of something much bigger than just your personal ambitions. 
  • It would really cool to be in this kind of enviroment and is defiantly something i want to be apart of in the future. Again made me respect the uni studio much more. 
  • There is something great about being able to hear what others are up to, there current ideas and ambiouns i find it extremely motivating and influential. 
  • Slack

9. Exhibitions and future prospects. 
  • Last exhibition was on loneliness
  • Next will be on stigmas 
  • This will be in oslo, new york, and a workshop in korean. 

10. Collabing with elliots possible. 

  • Me and ellioot are in touch with them all and now plan to hoefully collab on a project to enter into. 

11. project 2 

  • Comeplete and utter diaster, Given to much freedom and time with not enough mentoring. lead to me changing my topic multiple times and not getting anything substantial done. 
  • From this however I learnt alot, about the importance of planning, understanding the problem and what im aiming to resolves. That it is NOt a good idea to keep changing. 
  • Left it all till last min didnt even have time to phot graph final pieces. 
  • learnt DO NOT fall back on a publication if i dont have a solid idea. I book on all my research however it spanned across a few subjects and didnt really answer any questions. 
  • I like to plan my weeks out now. 

12. Collab work 

  • working in a collab i have learnt alot about team work and come to understand the benefits of it hugely. 
  • It is nice to have shared responsiblity. 
  • I really enjoyed this and its something I will strive to do much much more of in the future. 

13. Professional interaction. 

  • I have not yet found a solid interviewee that i feel represents my ambiouns however I have been attempting to interact with proffesionals
  • For my 505 sb1 I emailed the curator of the exhibition i am celebrating and explained what i was doing. He then sent me memorablia from the exhibition 2014. Two full papers on the exhibtion they had created to give out. Great primary research and hopefully he will attend the exhibition now. 

14. Josh milgate 

  • This is a freelancer who I met out once and have been intouch with since first year. I ask him for feedback on work and have asked him for an interview he agreed but over email. However as I wish to eventually work in a design studio I feel It is worth me finding another. 

15. Mike Rigby 

  • Mike Rigby is a graphic designer who I aspire to be. After listening to him be interviewed by debbie millman, His carreer sounds super exciting working in lots of diffrent countrys but mainly his ethics and morals are sound. I will send him an email asking for an interview. 

16. Aims / Social media 

  • Something I dont do enough of but over summer will make a big effort to do more of. 

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