Today we was put into 12 groups and given twelve diffrent design studios to look into. The studios where ah-ha studio, hey studio, sagmeister & walsh, hey days, lust, studio dumbar, Netherlands, build, elmwood, bleed, face, dessein, wolff olins. I learnt although the studios are from all around the world they all seem to have similarities. e.g. They are all very closely weaved teams, vast majority stated they have a close relationship with the clients this links back to having a closely weaved team. They all seemed to have won awards, a lot mentioned they do personal projects in there spare time and they all spoke about having a unique selling points.
We looking into Face. It is a design studio in Monterrey, Mexico they specialise in super modernism, I feel this is a term they have created themselves to explain there style, which seems to be keeping things simple to get there message across. The brand founders are Rik Bracho and Ricardo Tejada two uni students who began the company after graduating. They produce a lot of work for music events, one regular company being hard pop a dance club in Mexico. They are a closely weaved team of 8 which allows them to really get to know there client, With there method of 01/ approach 02/ Checklist 03/ Quote 04/ Brief 05/ Research + Analysis 06/ Concept - Strategy 07/ Design 08/ Delivery. They have a special list of questions for the client which they call "your homework" this seems pretty unique to this company compared to the others. Overall a really nice studio with great work with a style I really enjoyed, simple yet powerful. This made them a really fun studio for me to look into.
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