Friday, 9 October 2015

OUGD402 - The John Peel lecture with Brian Eno

Today I listened to the John Peel lecture with Brian Eno speaking. He raised some very interesting ideas. The first thing that struck me was his definition of art "everything you don't have to do". Using moving as just one example, as we all have to move but we don't have to do the tango, or waltz but we do anyway to stylise ourselves. I thought this was a really interesting perspective and I fully agree, as art is an expression of our selves thus making it a style of us and its something we don't have to do but we want to do to express ourselves. 

He then goes on to say he believes everybody should have a wage even if they do not work and that this would increase the cultural creativeness because people would have enough money to eat and do all the basics thous allowing them to do things they don't have to do. 
He then goes on to make a interesting comparison between children learning through Imagination and us as adults continuing this through art both creating and consuming. He says hair styles are us broadcasting our own percesption of whats ideal in our own world.

Overall I found some of his points to be very relevant and interesting things I would have never have even thought about. I feel he pointed out and made it clear that art plays a huge role in our culture.

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