Thursday, 15 October 2015

OUGD402 - Inspiration.

For todays task we was made to make a mind map of all our different inspirations, I thought this was a very helpful task not only did I learn the Inspiration of students in my group but the whole class presented there inspirations. I thought this was a great idea and it gave me insight into so many new blogs, artists, studios and books that I had never heard of. So what I did was go over all the info and create a few bookmark folders for different types of blogs and artists this will help me in the future when I'm looking for inspiration. I looked at a wide range of different sources for this but these where my ten favourites.

Jenny asked us to dig deeper with these sources, however i thought that as far as it could go is giving the artist a search. I found I was very wrong and as I started to look into a artist on a blog before I knew it id be on a chain of links etc and on a completely different artist and website. An example of this was, starting on This is Colossal and found a very talented lady called Anila Quayum who has made a sculpture called "intersections" this was desplayed at Rice gallery. ( )

I then watched a video on this ( which was also very interesting and explains her inspiration came from islamic temples Alhambra being the main focus point. This video then lead me onto more gallery exhibition at rice and I found one by a guy named gaia I really liked gaias work as I have a keen interest in graffiti and street art. After the video I then looked into his other work through his website and instagram, after viewing his work it sparked a interest in street art blogs so I decided to find and created a bookmark folder for these also. Without first finding Anila Quayam and digging in deeper I may have not come across gaia this helped me see how helpful it can be and I will be doing it from now on. I really enjoyed gaias work and the methods behind it he says he will not go to a space with an idea in hand instead he would go there and get an idea of the area to see what sparks. (

Design Milk is a all around creative blog with a highlight on architecture, I had not heard of them before and I picked them up off a inspiration board. Architecture is something I am very interested in I would always try design Houses when I was young and id say its what originally sparked my interest in design. So I like to scrim through these while working as i like to take inspiration from the geometric shapes in architecture. I also think the website is set out well with everything being easy to find.

Sight Unseen.

Jon Klassen Is a illustrator I came across at the end of a exhibition at Yorkshire sculpture park, they was showcasing a range of his books because he played a role in the artists inspiration. I think he is an amazing illustrator, I love the style of his work and how he creates these dark illustrations and keeping them appropriate for children.

Good Type.

Good type is a Instagram I follow, I put this in as its a great go to for me when I'm struggling with fonts as there
is such wide range of type within it. I also liked to just have a look in my spare time as i love type and i find 
myself practicing lettering I see on here. 


Face is a design studio in mexico, we learnt about a few sessions ago. I really enjoyed there work I found it 
sleek and contemporary. They also had really nice use of photography within there work as 

IFL Science.

iflscience is a blog i came across within the our session with jenny. Its a very interesting blog and is a great 
way to keep up with what is going on within the world of science. I think its important to keep up to date with
current affairs, to help create well informed pieces. 

Iban Ramon.

For me photography is a big interest for me and I always like to incorporate it into my design. Iban Ramon is a 
photographer and designer i came across within penny's session, his work is very gloomy and undertoned I really 
like these effects as they really set images apart and give them a real sense of mystery. The image below was 
from a set of images he took invloving old italian logotypes, i felt this was really relavant to my current brief.

Radiolab Podcasts

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