Saturday, 28 April 2018

D&AD First Day - Volunteering

Note from the first day

The crazy contrast between last two talks The first day at D&Ad was good easy start as I had a day off. Talks wise it began with Weidner and Wendy working on Instagram stories which I loved this talk was a super nice example of really capturing to there audience and having fun in the process. It felt really positive as well like they were giving people the tools to become creators which I loved. I really enjoy impossible foods and gave me hope for the future which was really refreshing. Sasha Markova aims and ambitions are something I would like to be apart of it felt cutting edge and innovative. Which was very interesting when contrasted with Dave Trott who spoke as if we were still in the 60 he would constantly generalise and he was very dog eat dog world. However, he was clearly a well-established designer and good at what he does and he had some really nice insights such as finding new perspectives on your research or finding what makes you different. I just really didn’t appreciate his attitude I’m bored of it and It irritates me that so many people are still lapping up this arrogant over the top masculinity that to take away from the speakers who actually want to get more from their talks than just an ego boost. However, the conference finished with Debbie milkman which was an excellent super inspirational lady who just reels you in. In terms of networking, I met a few students from Bournemouth on graphic design, a freelancer and a creative duo. I spent most the time with the students it was interesting to hear about what they were working on. Their course was run differently with just one major project which to me feels really strange as this is not how the industry will be.

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