Thursday, 3 March 2016

30 min branding

Thinking has changed 

For my PPP I have narrowed down a excited

I have created a project where I rebrand or brand a project within 30 mins this project is solely devised to help me learn and increase my skills within branding. As this is something I am still fairly new to with much to learn. I have chosen branding as my focus for PPP as so far it has been what I enjoy the most. When I look back at my design work this is apparat also beginning with the branding of humble my cloths line then branding another cloths line for my foundation final piece. Although this intrest has always been there I had never really actually thought about it much, until this module. I also have large intrest in other parts of design such as editorial however I feel my knowledge of this is still minimal. Another part of design is being hands on, learning all the practical elements is important to me. However I feel a focus is important for both my current practice and this presentation so have decided on branding. For the project I have taken names and ideas from as many places as possible. 

My first being a random word generator online.
Second was a book call calm which has a two word game within.
Third was a rebrand of a friends music collective.
Fourth was a project taken from a kick starter I saw. 
Fifth is a friends blog identity for social vegetarians 
Sixth is a project taken from (...)
Seventh is a personal identity for my sisters hairdressing business. 
Eighth is unknown 

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