This is a project I have been working on for a long over the period of PPP. 0/30 branding this was my last aspect of self branding. I decided that I really wanted to use this to focus on my the specific area of design I was interested in getting some work experience for. So I created a project where I re brand or brand a project within 30 mins the project was solely devised to help me learn and increase my skills within branding. As It is a process I still have much to learn in. My interest in branding has come from a combination of aspects over the course one to note is maybe the alphabet talk. When I look at pre uni design work it nearly all revolves around branding. What I loved about this brief was having no pressure for the pieces to be top quality as it had to be done in such a short time. I think this helps me experiment more. It was a brief I set myself with the aim of both improving my branding practice and also using it to get a work experience placement of somekinda within the beautiful meme. I created this booklet to look as though it was a old sketch book infused with digital aspect, these digital aspects however have no order to them, this is done on purpose. I did this to create slightly more consistence throughout in terms of it being a sketch book. This however was defiantly a challenge and maybe if I had more time could be resolved to a higher standard. For example I was speaking to John and he told me about how a second year was using a spot within the book for her memory stick I thought this was a really nice idea. Issues I have with this booklet are as followed. The lack of consistency through various coloured pens and pencils etc, although this does give a nice feeling of it being a sketch book. I would much prefer ether all pencil or all pen not the mix of the two as pen comes out much bolder. I used the wrong typeface for my front page. The book was put together in a bad way due to me not actually knowing how it should be done, although this has now changed as I was shown how to properly do it next time. It is salvageable but is just a pain because of uneven edges.
The names for each brand are from the follow places. Debug was a random word generator online . Jam box was a book call calm which has a word game within . Enigma was a rebrand of a friends music collective. Lux was a project taken from a kick starter I saw . Ellie Jane is a personal identity for my sisters hairdressing business. . The idea I had behind debug was a indie games developer which specalised within rpg games. The actual logo for this however when I was in the digital print room Indesign could not find the font. My reason for not reprinting was because of price and also it was not a huge error. The Idea behind Jam box was a jam/chutney pop up store which opened within markets as a box store, they payed special attention to music within there identity playing it from speakers above. I decided on this because of the connotation with music and the word ‘jam’. engima was dnb, jungle collective which took pride in there vinyl use, this is why the type is within a box to represent a vinyle cover. Lux a premiun cable company for mobiles, The use of a thin type was to show elegance and strength with the 3 dots that represent as plug socket aswell as the letters l u x themselves in a ambiguous way. Final ellie jane is my sisters mobile hair dressing indetity. I wanted this to look proffesional but at the same time approachable. I feel the lowercase achieves this. The diamond dotted i really stands out as quality and the hairstylist type gives a super quick idenity for passers by. The term stylist instead of dresser also informs high quality.
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