Thursday, 3 March 2016

Screen printing induction

Screen printing is something I have a keen intrest in and have practiced at home but only to a DIY standard photo frames etc. So I was very excited to learn about the professional equipment used to burn and print screens. We was shown everything from stripping and screen to burning a screen the aim more though to help us understand how to create for screen print. One thing I really enjoyed was the little tips. Whilst here i was really influenced by this hand son practice. I love getting hands on with my work and screen printing has always been an interest of mine how until recently I only ever thought of it as something for t shirts. So to now see on stock gives it a new feel for me. I love how you pick your own stock that you find suitable. It feels like another form of customisation to the piece. It gave me an idea for my cop practical, as I really wanna make the most of using the screens I will look into magazine posters and front covers eventually producing my own maybe, through traditional methods eg screen printing. Overall this was a great experience for me and something over time I will defiantly be trying to learn and improve.

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