Thursday, 27 April 2017

Steve - Creative activism talk - creative lab


broad range of people for diversity of thought


Know the user
Know the magic
Connect the two

Project jacquard - conductive thread touch screen clothing. Jacket for cyclist gps etc apps

Vr Dinosaur a exhibition at museum using tech to create get kids more involved

System based on tangible comments to teach kids about coding.

Tech embowed Steve as kid could empower other kids

Trying to not look at people as commercial transactions

Capable of more than just selling things

Altruism everyday?

1. An illsterlatilns that gives youths a voice at in

Assemble if youth
Children around the world could message in and answer questions for world leaders to see, geurilla

2. A site that helps refugees fleeing civil war

Mobile site with information for refugees
Information Hun with need to know info

Made in 34 hours 100,000 people helped

3.A film about Indian women helping other women get online.

Women have little access to internet in India
Being Internet in remote places with using bikes with phones
Women helping women
How do they get phones

Internet sathi

How x does stuff:
Big problem
Radical solution
Cutting edge tech


This was a really inspiring talk, I was very intrested in how they are creating clothing which can be used to have digital screen on iThey also t.created some really ethical and well thought problem solving concepts.

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