Thursday, 27 April 2017

Yancey Strickler - The state of the artists - kickstarter


What the start

The creative independent

Partisitae don't just consume

96% of say people art inspires them

27% way artists contribute a lot to society
Investing in creativity 2006

Mass consume makes us passive, drown in culture and alow corp to create our culture

Fab project? - Emily Richmond sail around the world on her own - £15 for photo

Beautiful steal transparent speaker

If you could do it again what would you do different

Learn to code rather than spending 5 years trying to get a site made I don't really have any regrets I have defiantly made some bad decisions but through thoughts I have learn what a better decision is. I think that you know defiantly having partners there is many scary moments fear is always there so that helps to balance that. Having a real conviction

Goal to publish book every year first one on aniexty

Wants every creative to trust them


Really interesting talk, unfortunately, I missed the begging as I was at google creative labs talk.

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