Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Photography lighting Session

Today we had a photography lighting session this was a tremendous help to my practice, as I needed to photograph a piece for my secret 7 brief in addition to this I will be photographing sauces for my design principles at a later date so getting familiar with the photography staff and studio is very handy. In to days session we touched upon how shadows can be used to create 3 dimensions within a 2 dimension photograph. I also learnt about white balance, an example of the difference can be seen in fig1 compared to fig2. The whites are much more neutral and less yellow in fig 2. Within fig 3 I began to play around with position much more the angles allowed for a much more depth which I actually much preferred in the end. I tested on both white and black background black worked the best with the colours. We also learnt the 3 C's

 Fig 1
 Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

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