Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Photography Workshop

Today we was given the task to experiment with shutter speeds to show motion within a photograph. I played around with the shutter speed and quickly found that to create an image which was not over exposed but still had this effect of movement the aperture had to also be changed. So to begin I was using a low shutter speed with a high aperture, shutter speed was about 1/4 aperture around f/18. However I still did find the image its self would also blur i believe this is because my hands are not steady enough to use shutter speeds the low and ideally a Tri-pod would be used. These first three images are an example of how I used a lower shutter speed, they are still slightly over exposed and blurry. 

There are my examples of using a high shutter speed to caption an object frozen. The first has slightly to much glare coming from the sun however I quite liked the effect my second image has to much going on in it i felt as i was not focusing enough on what was actually in the shot resulting in the tops of cars etc.

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