Sunday, 7 May 2017

Cop End of module Evaluation

Cop is a module I struggle with as my writing skills suffer due to me being dyslexic. However it is fundamental that my practice essay writing through this module to enhance my writing and reading skills for the future. After this module I felt that I had for certain achieved this. It also preferred for dissertation. I learnt a large amount from my research topic such as subcultures, anarchy theory and protest which has informed and influenced some of my projects since. The lesson I learn from picking such a vague topic most importantly was that it is best to be specific as when the questions and topic are left to vague it can result in a project which struggles to resolve the original issue. Narrowing down to a more specific section in both cop and my design practise allows for much more in-depth research. Which often means achieving a much more relevant end piece to my audience. in the future I will spend more time understanding my brief and audience better, something i wish to implement into 505 studio brief 2. Another important aspect of this breif I missed out was primary research something I will be focusing on much more in the begging of my projects. 

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