Going to D&AD also enhanced my time management skills, I as i had to book train tickets and create plans to make sure I could afford to take the time out of uni. Fortunately I did not have to hand in responsive this did make it much easier for me to go, I was very lucky to have this. Going to D&AD also challenged my networking skills, I was approached by a lady called Courtney Burns she was VP creative recruitment for Edelman Newyork. We spoke and went for drinks I saw it as a prime opportunity make a important contact. She spoke about a paid internship and how 96% of interns go on to get jobs at there firm. She was currently putting together a creative team in London however this was all very informal and didn't really hold much substance. Although she seemed very interested in myself saying she was impressed by my dedication to being at the conference befor her and leaving after because she had seen me around. I have emailed her and will aim to keep her as a contact for the future. All of this was very nerve raking as it was my first encounter with possible future opportunities on the table, however i think i learn a lot from it and would be better prepared if i found myself in a similar situation in the future.
Overall D&AD was great, It was a refreshing experience which further justified for me that I am studying the correct course and am on the right path to doing something I feel passionately about.
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